👋 Hi! I’m Aqeel.



👦🏾 About me

🚀 Past Projects

📓 Blog

🎙️ Podcast

Currently, I’m:

  • coo at Deep.ai - growing things

  • builders lead at Gen AI Collective - building things

  • moniker: Prophit - expressing things

Recently, I was:

  • Building Doppler, a turnkey AI cloning platform, providing anyone a passive income stream with their own multimodal AI chatbot. (failed b/c lack of financial stability, skill gaps, and problem-founder fit)

  • Building Cerebral Valley - SF's largest in-person of builders and engineers in AI (moved on b/c I started building the above, failed startup)

  • Saying too much on the Aqeel Meets World podcast and blog (paused b/c bandwidth and time)

  • Telling the 1st gen Desi story how it is: Desi Declassified (paused b/c bandwidth and time)